Photo export to Photoshop and more (MacOS)
Important! Click here if you are using Windows to see the guide for Windows The guide shows how to easily export client-selected images to Photoshop running on macOS. It could also be helpful for other software. Just open the files in the same way in another graphics software. To export the images that the client has selected, click EPopularPhoto export to Photoshop and more (Windows)
Important! Click here if you are using MacOS to see the guide for MacOS The guide shows how to easily export client-selected images to Photoshop running on Windows. It could also be helpful for other software. Just open the files in the same way in another graphics software. To export the images that the client has selected, click Export photPopularPhoto export to Capture One
The guide demonstrates how you can easily export client-selected photos to Capture One. Important! Follow these steps for the images from the selected gallery. To export the images that the client has selected to Capture One, click Export photos above the selected photos, and choose to Capture One. (https://dPopularPhoto export to Excel
You can export client orders to an Excel table as a list of file names. Such a file can also be opened using LibreOffice or Google Drive. Go to Mafelo, to the gallery from which you want to order prints or download the list of photos ordered by the client. Then, go to the "Client orders" tab and click the "Export photos" or"Export prints" button, choosing the export to Excel option. ( of photos and prints
The export option is used to automatically generate a list of images selected by the client for processing or printing. There is no need to write down the numbers manually, they can be found very quickly, automatically, on the computer. The following export options are available in Mafelo: to Adobe Bridge to Capture One to LightroPopularPhoto export to Mafelo Desktop
The export option is used to automatically generate a list of images selected by the client for processing or printing. You can export directly to any of the graphics programs indicated or to our "Mafelo Desktop" application. It will automatically create a folder with photos to be processed or prints to be developed. An instructional video on how to use Mafelo Desktop can be found here: Download the Mafelo Desktop app - for WinPopularPhoto export to Lightroom
This guide demonstrates how to easily export your client's selected photos to Lightroom. Watch it to find out: Other available export options: to Adobe Bridge to Capture One to Photoshop (Win) ( readersPhoto export to MacOS
This guide demonstrates how you can easily export your client's selected photos in macOS. To export the images that the client has selected, click Export photos, and choose to MacOS. ( readersPhoto export to Windows
This guide demonstrates how you can easily export client-selected photos on Windows. To export the images that the client has selected, click Export photos, and choose to Windows (or to Windows (separate folders) if you have many orders). ( readersPhoto export to Adobe Bridge
IMPORTANT! Some issues may occur in Adobe Bridge 2023! We have made changes and you can now use our export, but minor inconveniences are still possible. Instead of exporting to Bridge, you can export orders to Mafelo Desktop or one of other supported softwares. This guide demonstrates how to easily export your client's selected photFew readers