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Online payments
PayPal configuration
PayPal configuration
Michał Zalewski avatar
Written by Michał Zalewski
Updated over a week ago

This guide shows how to configure PayPal payments in Mafelo.
After completing the configuration, you will be able to enable the ability to pay for photoshoots and bookings using PayPal.

  1. In Mafelo, go to the Settings tab, and choose Online payments.

  2. Next, in the PayPal tab, click Configure PayPal

  3. In the PayPal email field, enter the email address associated with your PayPal account. You will receive client payments to the account associated with this address.

You can now enable online payment option for photoshoots and receive payments from your clients.

[Optional] Do you have multiple email addresses on your PayPal account?

If you have multiple email addresses set up in your PayPal account then remember that the address you enter in Mafelo must match the one set as the primary address in PayPal. Otherwise, we will not be able to receive the information regarding your clients’ payments and mark the order or gallery as paid.

You can check your primary email address by logging into PayPal. After logging in, hover over your name on the top right. A menu will appear with a "Profile Settings” option - click it. You will see a list of settings, where you can check your primary email and update it if necessary.

Just click "Update" next to your email address:

"Primary" will appear under the main address. This is the address you should enter in the Mafelo settings.

If you want to set a different address as primary, click "Edit" next to it and a window will appear where you can do it.

Mafelo does not charge an additional commission for online payments. The commission is charged only by the operators - according to the rate specified in the contract with the photographer.

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