Articles on: Booking

Facebook Pixel in bookings

How to configure Facebook pixel?

To configure a pixel, go to the Events Manager.
Click Connect data sources and select Web.
Add your pixel name and click Create Pixel.
Enter website URL - it should be your Mafelo booking page URL in that case
Click Continue.

Your pixel should have already been created at this point.

How do you set it up in Mafelo?

Go to Events manager and choose your pixel.

Next, go to the Settings tab. There, you will find your pixel ID. Copy it.

In Mafelo, go to the Settings tab, and click Facebook Pixel in the Bookings group.

Click Edit, paste your pixel ID, and select the Enable Facebook Pixel in bookings option.
Paste "Domain verification code" from the meta tag "content".

At this point, your pixel should already be configured on your booking site 🙂

How to check if the pixel works?

Go to the Events manager and click on your pixel. On the right side you will see whether the pixel is active and receiving data:

If the information about the received data is not displayed, try to go to your booking page and "click a few times on services and packages". Sometimes after that you have to wait a few (5-10) minutes before the current information about the pixel activity appears in the panel.

Updated on: 02/02/2025

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